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Version: Next(1.7.0)


Usually when the third-party system calls the linkis service, it usually authenticates through token

1. Implementation logic introduction

Control through unified authentication processing filter:

Implemented pseudocode

val TOKEN_KEY = "Token-Code"
val TOKEN_USER_KEY = "Token-User"

/* TokenAuthentication.isTokenRequest by judging the request request:
1. Whether the request header contains TOKEN_KEY and TOKEN_USER_KEY: getHeaders.containsKey(TOKEN_KEY) && getHeaders.containsKey(TOKEN_USER_KEY)
2. Or request whether TOKEN_KEY and TOKEN_USER_KEY are included in the cookies: getCookies.containsKey(TOKEN_KEY) &&getCookies.containsKey(TOKEN_USER_KEY)

if (TokenAuthentication.isTokenRequest(gatewayContext)) {
/* Perform token authentication
1. Confirm whether to enable the token authentication configuration item `wds.linkis.gateway.conf.enable.token.auth`
2. Extract the token tokenUser host information for authentication and verify the validity
TokenAuthentication. tokenAuth(gatewayContext)
} else {
//Common username and password authentication

Available tokens and corresponding ip-related information data are stored in the table linkis_mg_gateway_auth_token, see [table analysis description] (../development/table/all#16-linkis_mg_gateway_auth_token) for details, non-real-time update, Periodically wds.linkis.token.cache.expire.hour (default interval 12 hours) is refreshed into the service memory

2. How to use

2.1 New Token

Management console Basic Data Management > Token Management to add

Name: token name corresponds to Token-Code, such as: TEST-AUTH
User: The username corresponding to the token, that is, the perceived requesting user, will be used for log auditing. If there is no limit, it can be configured as *
Host: The host that can be accessed will perform the IP verification and filtering of the requester. If there is no limit, it can be configured as *
Valid days: If it is permanently valid, configure it as -1

2.2 Native way

The constructed http request method needs to add Token-Code, Token-User parameters in the request header,


Request address:

body parameter:

"executionContent": {"code": "sleep 5s;echo pwd", "runType": "shell"},
"params": {"variable": {}, "configuration": {}},
"source": {"scriptPath": "file:///mnt/bdp/hadoop/1.hql"},
"labels": {
"engineType": "shell-1",
"userCreator": "hadoop-IDE",
"executeOnce": "false"

Request header header:

Content-Type: application/json
Token-Code: BML-AUTH
Token-User: hadoop

2.3 The client uses token authentication

The client authentication methods provided by linkis all support the Token strategy mode new TokenAuthenticationStrategy()

For details, please refer to SDK method


// 1. build config: linkis gateway url
DWSClientConfig clientConfig = ((DWSClientConfigBuilder) (DWSClientConfigBuilder.newBuilder()
.addServerUrl("") //set linkis-mg-gateway url: http://{ip}:{port}
.connectionTimeout(30000) //connectionTimeOut
.discoveryEnabled(false) //disable discovery
.discoveryFrequency(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // discovery frequency
.loadbalancerEnabled(true) // enable loadbalance
.maxConnectionSize(5) // set max Connection
.retryEnabled(false) // set retry
.readTimeout(30000) //set read timeout
.setAuthenticationStrategy(new TokenAuthenticationStrategy()) // AuthenticationStrategy Linkis auth Token
.setAuthTokenKey("Token-Code") // set token key
.setAuthTokenValue("DSM-AUTH") // set token value
.setDWSVersion("v1") //linkis rest version v1

3 Notes

3.1 token configuration

Supported tokens, the corresponding available users/applicable requester ip are controlled by the table linkis_mg_gateway_auth_token, the loading is not updated in real time, and the caching mechanism is used

3.2 Administrator permission token

For the restriction of high-risk operations, the token of the administrator role is required to operate, and the format of the administrator token is admin-xxx